Tag Archives: David Hume

Spiritual Disciplines and the Christian Community

I hate working out.  Sure, I understand all the various benefits of exercise, and I want to experience those benefits in my life: health, energy, big muscles, etc.  My problem, and I’m sure I’m not alone, is that I am not a fan of running, lifting weights, or other such activities that produce health benefits.  When I was younger exercise was never an issue.  I played soccer, tennis, participated in martial arts and other cardio-type activities and exercises all the time.  As I’ve gotten older, and my life has gotten more hectic, I discover that I have a whole backpack full of excuses readily available to help me avoid strenuous cardio-related activity.  Eventually, as I can begin to see my waist-line expand, as my physical self-image begins to deteriorate, and as my clothes begin to reach their comfortable capacity, I force myself to address my less than desirable physical status.  Just like my love-hate relationship with physical activity/exercise, each of us has  our own situational breaking point where the consequences of our personal neglect becomes unbearable, and change becomes mandatory. Continue reading